Although the state of the Italian economy does not give much reason for it, it seems to become a bit more sunny for floriculture. Interest Karsiyaka Escort Evi Twitter green is clearly increasing in Karsiyaka Escort Evi Twitter. More than 40 companies from the Netherlands participated. In 3 halls on 45, m2 there was a great show of tree nursery products, cut and bulb flowers, flower bulbs, pot plants and materials for garden and balcony and also ornamental pots and containers, decoration material, tools for gardeners and landscapers and construction and maintenance of sports fields and the like. The organizers report that the number of visitors compared to last year increased by The visitors mainly came from the surrounding regions in Italy and from abroad mainly from the Netherlands, followed by Germany, Denmark, France, Poland and Spain. As in other European countries, the demand for plants in was strongly influenced by the cold spring and the long hot summer. Possibly partly due to the beautiful weather during MyPlant, the mood on the show floor was positive. People look forward to spring and see the future as moderately positive. The recently released report on the Italian garden industry shows that after a few much lesser years, growth is in there. That could partly be an explanation of the growing number of participants and visitors. And the participants were also very pleased with the quality of the trade visit. This shows that the revenue in amounted to 2. About half of this comes from living material. More and more buyers prefer organic products. The report predicts a constant growth of the Italian market untilwhich has fallen sharply in recent years. A sales value of 3 billion euros is forecast forwhich means that Italy will return to the figure. Previously mainly at the fair in Padua and now at MyPlant. Managine director Jeroen den Hengst explaines that the basis for trade in Italy was laid when the company's original market in Eastern Europe had disappeared shortly after the war and new markets had Karsiyaka Escort Evi Twitter be found. D den Hengst, first representative and later for 25 years director of the company the grandfather of the current director then created a new market in Italy. In the floristry area, demonstrations and competitions from binders from Asia, Europe and the United States were to be enjoyed and the trends for were shown. There was also a lot of admiration for the work of Paul Deckers also chief arranger of the Dutch flowers and plant presentation for the Vatican at Easter. Cut Cymbidium was central in in the decoration of St. Peter's Square. The presentation and demonstrations on MyPlant were a follow-up. The visitor was enthusiastic about beautiful floral art, the workshops and about the bridal fashion shows, which were organized with the cooperation of the Flowers Academy agency of Charles Lansdorp and Lucas Jansen and the Consulate of the Netherlands in Milaaan. The beautiful flower decorations of the shows were the work of Paul Deckers and Nini Holtrop. There is also increasing interest in greenery in the Italian government. Also Nada Forbia, president of the Associazione Florovivaisti Della Lombardia, reports. Responding to this, Forbia had been lobbying hard at the Ministry of Agriculture in the past year. As a result, a program has now been drawn up to realize more private greenery. An even stronger increase is expected for On MyPlant there was also a judging of 60 nominated products in the context of the Vetrina delle Eccellenze ". The jury was chaired by Dr. Renato Ferretti. In the New Varieties of Ornamental Plants category, Grevillea Ignite® G. alpina x rosmarinifoliaoriginating from New Zealand and submitted by FloraToscana, a cooperative from Pescia Itwhich has the sales rights for Europe. The jury found the plant resistant to low temperatures and tolerant to drought, suitable for both containers and garden edges. The jury praised the variety of colors and the application possibilities in landscaping. In the cut flowers category, the brown-beige Rosa Westminster Abbey grown by VIP Roses Sassen from Nieuwveen Hollandsubmitted by Gambin Fiori from Milan, was awarded for its beautiful open inflorescence, Karsiyaka Escort Evi Twitter to diseases and innovative and environmentally friendly packaging. Jury chairman Renato Ferretti indicated that the assessment certainly also focused on ecological elements, environmental friendliness and sustainability.
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