To browse Academia. Transportation is one of the factors that significantly affect social life. The rapid development of technology has affected transportation, as it has affected every field. Smart transportation systems, which are one of the important results of technological development, reduce the negative effects of environmental pollution as well as safe transportation. At the same time, it provides comfort, cheapness, and speed for citizens. The fact that there are many advantages of living in the city has increased the migration from rural to urban and this has led to an increase in population. In addition, many negative situations such as the recent pandemic process have led to difficulties in transportation on a national and international scale. Especially the large population living in metropolitan cities reveals the necessity of coordination between units. The overpopulation has caused people living in metropolitan cities to spend most of their lives in traffic. This situation negatively affects socio-economic welfare. One of the most important solutions to prevent these problems is smart transportation systems. Smart transportation systems provide many benefits such as a safe traffic environment, shortening of travel times, reduction of traffic density, and energy efficiency. The use of this system in metropolitan municipalities, despite the high population, contributes to people spending less time in traffic and transportation in a safe environment. With the transition to the smart transportation system in metropolises, the psychology of society will also be positively affected. In addition, smart transportation systems will reduce environmental pollution. This situation affects both the environment and public health positively. The province of Istanbul, which is the sample of the study, has a dense population due to many reasons such as high job opportunities, living standards, Pierre Cardin Escort Travel Alüminyum Hepsiburada suitable structure for life, educational advantages, etc. Due to its large population, citizens have been experiencing transportation difficulties for years. Citizens spend a long time in traffic and this negatively affects public health. In addition, the environment is adversely affected. This study aims to create a smart transportation model in the example of Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality. The main problem of the study is how a metropolitan with a high population like Istanbul can solve transportation problems through smart systems. The study aims to reach solutions for the development of the smart transportation system and theprevention of traffic jams by using a qualitative research method based on document analysis. The relative scarcity of studies in the literature, the migration from rural to urban areas, and the difficulties in transportation due to the pandemic process accompanying the refugee influx prove the importance of the study. Ulaşım, bir insanın veya eşyanın farklı amaçlarla ve vasıtalarla bulunduğu yerden başka bir yere konum değiştirmesi olayıdır. Ulaşımın ilgilenilen amaç doğrultusunda farklı sınıflandırmaları yapılabilir. Pierre Cardin Escort Travel Alüminyum Hepsiburada ulaşımı şehir içi ulaşım ve şehirlerarası ulaşım olarak sınıflandırmak mümkündür. Bu yazı şehir içi ulaşımı ile ilgilidir. Şehir içi ulaşım, bireysel ve toplu taşıma ulaşımı olarak sınıflandırılabilir. Bireysel ulaşım, bireylerin kendi imkânlarıyla yaya, bisiklet, özel otomobil vb. Toplu taşıma ulaşımı, şehir içi ulaşımda kamu vasıtalarıyla otobüs, metro, tramvay, vapur vb. Bu yazıda İzmir'in ulaşım sorunları geçmiş ve güncel çalışmalar ışığında tartışılacak ve bunlara çözüm önerileri sunulacaktır. Öz Dünya'da ve Türkiye'de gelişmekte olan kentlerde nüfus artışı pek çok soruna yol açmaktadır. Bu sorunlar içerisinde kent içi ulaşım sorunu önemli bir paya sahiptir. Sorunların çözümü için gerekli en temel yöntem hızlı, konforlu, güvenlikli ve ekonomik bir toplu taşıma sistemidir. Ulaştırma alanında yaşanan bu teknolojik yenilikler ve yaşanan ulaşım sorunlarının artık geleneksel yollar ile çözülememesi akıllı ulaşım sistemlerini ortaya çıkarmıştır.
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