Conjuring The King of Jinns. The Method Is As Follows: 1. This ritual must be performed at mid-night, in a dark empty room while burning some incense. The conjurer must be alone. Recite Surat Al-Jin x. Click here for the verse Recite the below prayer from Surat Yaasiin :. When the king comes, then recite the below prayer: "Wa nufikho fish shuuri faidzaa hum minal ajdaatsi ilaa robbihim yansiluun. Qooluu yaa wailanaa mam ba'atsanaa mim marqodinaa, haadzaa maa wa'adar rohmaanu wa shodaqol mursaluun. Ing kaanat illaa shoihataw waahidatan faidzaa hum jamii'ul ladainaa muhdhoruun. Wa laqod 'alimatil jinaatu innahum lamuhdhoruun. Haadzihi jahannamul latii kuntum tuu'aduun. Ishlauhal yauma bimaa kuntum takfuruun. You may only ask for one wish If you asked for money you Seks Sa Trans Odobom need to donate some to the charity. Older PostsHome. This hex is very painful for your enemy, Please do not use it for jokes. If your enemy is too dangerous and threatening your life or family, You may do this method for destroying your enemy, God most high willing. Step One: At dawn, prepare a chicken egg and inscribe upon the egg the talisman above. Inscribe it while intending and saying your target name. Step Two: Then burn the egg on a fire till it broke. God most high willing, The enemy that is threatening your life will be destroyed by God. Note: Forgiving is better than killing. Step One: Recite the following Divine Name 12, Twelve thousand times every day for several years and you will advance in your spiritual degree and be able to change your body and shape as you will. The Divine Name as mentioned: "Ya Waritsu". With this knowledge it is possible to be in different places, cities and countries all in the same day. Inscribe upon the sandals the following talisman:. Step Two: If you wish to teleport to distant places, wear the magical sandals and recite the following Quranic verse continuously while visualizing the places where you wish to be, until you reach your destination. Then remove your sandals and cease with the recitation. The Recitation :. Phonetic: "Wamaa qadarullaaha haqqa qadrihii wal ardhu jamii'an qabdhatuhuu yaumal qiyaamati wassamaau mathwiyyaatun biyamiinihii. By the right of some of you over some others, by the right of the seven planets, and by the right of Him whose name and obedience to Whom is incumbent upon you: You must fulfill my request and come to aid me Say Your Wish. I have sworn to you by the Yellow King, By the right of the Red King, and by your right over each other, that you must fulfill my request and come to my aid. Come to my aid! After the words say what you desire whether flying or walk on water. Note: Do not tell anyone if you have success with the following spells, You should recite the following names in arabic as i am not sure if you recite the translation version will work or not. Some people would inscribe the following numerical values with the names together like this without the :. The guardian will assist those who recite YaLatiff. Fast for for 7 days consuming only plain water and rice. You should be in a quiet, desolate room for khalwah Solitude. After each obligatory prayers, Recite Ya Latiff x Seks Sa Trans Odobom hundred twentynine times and the prayer below 1x Once. Make sure that every night you recite Ya Latiff for 16,x Sixteen -thousand Six-hundred and forty one times along with the below prayer 4x Four times. The Prayer : Bismillahirrohmaanirrohim. At the end of the day the Khadam will appears to you, tell him whatever you desire. He will grant it, God most high willing. His name is Saiyyid Ar-Rofroful Ukhdhoir. You may ask him whatever you wish it is depend on what he is capable of.
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