The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of estrus synchronization on certain fertility parameters in Tuj ewes during the non-breeding season, using short-term ST or long-term LT progesterone P4 -impregnated sponge and equine chorionic gonadotropin eCG. G1 and G2 received hormonal treatment with a P4-impregnated sponge inserted into the vagina on day 0, and IU eCG was administered intramuscularly five or ten days later, respectively. The sponges were removed from the vagina seven days after insertion for G1 and 12 days after insertion for G2. G3 did not receive any hormone treatment. All groups were exposed to the ram 24 hours after sponge removal. Estrus was monitored every six hours for five days, and pregnancy was confirmed by transrectal ultrasonography. The estrus rate, estrus onset time, and pregnancy rate were significantly different between G1 and G3 and between G2 and G3 p 0. In conclusion, ST or LTP4-impregnated vaginal sponge treatment was equally effective on fertility parameters in Tuj ewes during the non-breeding season. Medroxyprogesterone acetatePregnancy rateSheep. This article is prepared from the first author's master's thesis with the same title. We would like to express our gratitude to Mustafa Makav for his valuable assistance during this study. Bu çalışmanın amacı, kısa ST veya uzun süreli LT progesteron P4 -emdirilmiş sünger ve kısrak koriyonik gonadotropin eCG kullanarak östrus senkronizasyonunun Tuj koyunlarında bazı fertilite parametreleri üzerindeki etkisini araştırmaktır. G1 ve G2, P4-emdirilmiş sünger vaginaya yerleştirilerek hormon tedavisi aldı ve sırasıyla beş veya on gün sonra IU eCG intramusküler olarak uygulandı. Süngerler, G1 için yerleştirme tarihinden yedi gün sonra ve G2 için yerleştirme tarihinden 12 gün sonra vaginadan çıkarıldı. G3 herhangi bir hormon tedavisi almadı. Tüm gruplara, sünger çıkarılmasından 24 saat sonra koç katımı yapıldı. Östrus, beş gün boyunca her altı Kiev Escorts Rates Per Day bir izlendi ve gebelik transrektal ultrasonografi ile doğrulandı. Östrus oranı, östrus başlangıçzamanı ve gebelik oranı G1 ve G3 ve G2 ve G3 arasında anlamlı şekilde farklıydı p 0. Sonuç olarak, kısa veya uzun dönem P4-emdirilmiş vaginal sünger tedavisi, Tuj koyunlarında üreme sezonu dışında fertilite parametreleri açısından eşit derecede etkilidir. Gebelik oranıKoyunMedroksiprogesteron asetatÖstrus senkronizasyonu. English Turkish English. Van Veterinary Journal. Research Article. EN TR. Create Research Close. Abstract The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of estrus synchronization on certain fertility parameters in Tuj ewes during the non-breeding season, using short-term ST or long-term LT progesterone P4 -impregnated sponge and equine chorionic gonadotropin eCG. Keywords Medroxyprogesterone acetatePregnancy rateSheep. Supporting Institution Kafkas Üniversitesi. Project Number TS Thanks This article is prepared from the first author's master's thesis with the same title. Hormonal control of reproduction in small ruminants. Anim Reprod Sci, Tuj ırkı koyunların verim özellikleri. Dölverimi ve büyüme. Vet Bil Derg, 17 1 The effect of different progesterone protocols on the reproductive efficiency of ewes during the non-breeding season. Vet Arh, 79 1 Estrous synchronization in cattle, sheep and goat. Multidiscip Rev, 6 1e Induction of synchronized oestrus in Akkaraman cross-bred ewes during breeding and anestrus seasons: The use of short-term and long-term progesterone treatments. Rev Med Vet, 5 Reproductive cycles in sheep. The reused progesterone device has the Kiev Escorts Rates Per Day effect on short or long estrus synchronization protocols in tropical sheep. Trop Anim Health Prod, 51 6 The effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate with or without eCG on conception rate of fat-tail ewes in out of breeding season.
Van Veterinary Journal
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