Research Information System. Publication Network. American Journal of Emergency Medicinevol. Isopropyl alcohol nasal inhalation for nausea in the triage of an adult emergency department. Candemir H. The American journal of emergency medicinevol. Journal of Emergency Medicinevol. Predictive value of scoring systems for the diagnosis of acute appendicitis in emergency department patients: Is there an accurate one? Hong Kong Journal of Emergency Medicinevol. Diagnostic value of Tei index for acute myocardial infarction in patients presenting to emergency department with ischemic chest pain and correlation with Hs-troponin Ucar A. Turan C. Cardiovascular toxicologyvol. Initial inferior vena cava and aorta diameter parameters measured by ultrasonography or computed tomography does not correlate with vital signs, hemorrhage or shock markers in trauma patients Celik O. Predictors of false negative diffusion-weighted MRI in clinically suspected central cause of vertigo Akoglu E. Normal values of cervical vertebral measurements according to age and sex in CT Omercikoglu S. Determination Kartal kalyon in eskort the chest wall thicknesses and needle thoracostomy success rates at second and fifth intercostal spaces: a cadaver-based study Ozen C. Spinal trauma is never without sin: A tetraplegia patient presented without any symptoms Efeoglu M. Turkiye Acil Tip Dergisivol. Details of motorcycle accidents and their impact on healthcare costs Eroglu S. Determination of the appropriate catheter length and place for needle thoracostomy by using computed tomography scans of pneumothorax patients Akoglu H. Insulin glargine overdose Doǧan F. Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeuticsvol. Oral, axillary, and tympanic temperature measurements in older and younger adults with or without fever ONUR Ö. Ecstasy-induced recurrent toxic hepatitis in a young adult Guneysel O. Current Therapeutic Research - Clinical and Experimentalvol. Adrenomedullin reduces the severity of cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis Onur O. Peptidesvol. Acıbadem Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisivol. Bayram N. Cureusvol. An analysis of consecutive acute intoxication cases admitted to an academic emergency medicine department in Turkey Sacak M. Relationship between brain computed tomography findings and bispectral index score in patients presenting with head trauma. Kusken O. Northern clinics of Istanbulvol. Anatolian Journal of Emergency Medicinevol. Which one is the first choice for rapid ventricular rate atrial fibrillation in emergency department: Metoprolol or Diltiazem? A randomized clinical trial memiş b. Acil serviste fenitoin infüzyonu ihtiyacı olan hastaların kardiyak yan etki ve EKG bulgularının değerlendirilmesi evaluation of cardiac side effects and ecg findings in patients who need infusion of phenytoin in the emergency department kılıç m. Kartal kalyon in eskort Punched out Lesions in Multiple Myeloma. Bulletin of emergency and traumavol. Using Mount Fuji for diagnosis of tension pneumocephalus ak r. Electrocardiographic clue for a mid LAD lesion ak r. BMJ Case Reportspp.
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While the global pandemic has become an old memory, geo-political tensions, Europe's energy security constraints, rising interest rates and inflation. Bu araştırmanın amacı; Yamaç Paraşütçülerindeki Heyecan Arayışının, Yaralanma Kaygısı ve Özgüven ile ilişkisinin incelenmesidir. Journal of Kartal Training & Research Hospital, (Hakemli Dergi) KALYON Z., ÖZPOLAT Ç., SANRI E., AKOĞLU H., ONUR Ö. E., DENİZBAŞI ALTINOK A. MEB, Kalyon Ankara escort Anadolu Yakası Escort Ataşehir escort ümraniye escort Kadıköy escort Bostancı escort Ataşehir escort Kartal Escort. Etiket: Kalyon.Genetic analyses in a cohort of pediatric patients with congenital hypothyroidism based on congenital hypothyroidism consensus guideline. Tok, S. Derringer, J. Bilgen H. Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 24, The following ethics topics outlined for editors, authors, and reviewers are based on the COPE Code of Conduct for journal editors. Kalyon ed. The editor also ensures that each manuscript is initially evaluated by the editor for originality, making use of appropriate software to do so. Zeynep B. Promptness Any selected referee who feels unqualified to review the research reported in a manuscript or knows that its prompt review will be impossible should notify the editor and excuse himself from the review process. Biological psychology, 69 3 , Araştırma Makalesi 6. Doi: Başoğlu, S. Comparison of the Utility of Syncope Clinical Decision Rules for the prediction of short amd long-term mortality taşkın b. Uluslararası İktisat, Büyüme, Uluslararası Finans. Determimation of normal values of vertebral and prevertebral soft tissue distances in Turkish population according to age and sex in lateral cervical computed tomography serhat ö. Sun E. Utility of thorax computerized tomography for dyspne patients at an emergency service in a suburban hospital korkut s. Genetic testing and molecular biomarkers , vol. Türkçe Turkish English. Stokes Adams syndrome concealed Jeopardy in form of epilepsy yalman e. Clinical characteristics and molecular genetic analysis of a cohort with idiopathic congenital hypogonadism. Plos One 14 2 : e Finansal Öngörü ve Modelleme, Davranışsal Finans. Heyecan arayışı ile yaşam doyumu ve serbest zamanda algılanan özgürlük düzeyi ilişkisi: İzmir korku evleri örneği Master's thesis, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü. Bahadır, Ziya vd. International journal of advances in case reports , vol. The corresponding author should act as a point of contact between the editor and the other authors and should keep co-authors informed and involve them in major decisions about the publication. Yavaş-Tez, Ö. Çevre Ekonomisi, Maliye Çalışmaları. Current Therapeutic Research - Clinical and Experimental , vol. Jenna, L. More metrics. Association of a common d3 dopamine receptor gene variant with sensation seeking in skiers and snowboarders. Çetindemir, A.